You've found Father McKenzie. But are you really looking for Eleanor Rigby?

Friday, October 21, 2005

Do As Thou Wilt, But Harm None

Robert Kiley owns, he claims, upwards of 30 firearms. (They're in storage.) He smokes marijuana at night to help himself fall asleep, and to ease the pain, he says, of a herniated disk. [...] Kiley, age 54, is a libertarian living in federally subsidized housing, in the McQueeney Apartments on Orange Street. [...]

- "The Kiley Factor: 7th ward independent aldermanic candidate Robert J. Kiley brings his libertarian message to the masses", New Haven Advocate (6 October 2005)

CHEYENNE, Wyoming – After attempting to contain a living-room blaze started by a cigarette, card-carrying Libertarian Trent Jacobs reluctantly called the Cheyenne Fire Department Monday. “Although the community would do better to rely on an efficient, free-market fire-fighting service, the fact is that expensive, unnecessary public fire departments do exist”, Jacobs said. “Also, my house was burning down”. Jacobs did not offer to pay fire-fighters for their service.

- “Libertarian Reluctantly Calls Fire Department”, The Onion, Vol 40 No 16 (21 April 2004)

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