Monday, October 23, 2006

Pick one

One of these headlines - and only one - is from The Onion. Have fun guessing which...

[A] "Now it's legal to tape from TV: AFTER years of flouting the law, Australians now legally will be able to tape television programs and copy music..."

[B] "I used to look at veiled women as quiet, oppressed creatures -- until I was captured by the Taliban..."

[C] "Professor Admits He Was Wrong To Discipline His Child With Ants..."

[D] "... since homeschooling never has been legalized in Germany since Hitler banned it, a mother was arrested and detained on such charges..."

[E] "Apple Claiming The Term 'Pod'..."


  1. That one was too easy. Either that or I read way too many blogs. So I'd like to believe the question was too easy.

  2. I didn't pick it - I thought it was the Ants.
