Tuesday, August 01, 2006

In-flight Hassels...

"You dare - accuse me - of smuggling budgies?"

Former Baywatch star David Hasselhoff was unable to board a flight from the UK on Wednesday because he was ill, not drunk, his publicist has said. Press reports claimed the actor, 54, was intoxicated and could not board the flight from Heathrow to Los Angeles. Hasselhoff's publicist Judy Katz said that "was totally untrue" and that the actor felt unwell after taking some medication for a recent arm injury...

- "Hasselhoff 'Not Drunk' at Airport", BBC News (28 July 2006)

Budgie-smugglers... the dregs of humanity. The International Community must act now.

At least the 'Hoff didn't start ranting about how the Rotarians control the world's finances...

PS: That last one is behind the subscriber wall. Here's what Benny Morris said:

"In Article 17, under "The Role of Muslim Women," the charter [ie, the Covenant of Hamas, the movement's constitution and platform, finalized in August 1988] states:

'The enemies have understood that role [and] therefore they realize that if they can guide and educate [the Muslim women] in a way that would distance them from Islam, they would have won that war. Therefore, you can see them making consistent efforts [in that direction] by way of publicity and movies, curricula of education and culture, using as their intermediaries their craftsmen who are part of the various Zionist Organizations which take on all sorts of names and shapes such as: the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, gangs of spies and the like.... These Zionist organizations control vast material resources.... Islam ... will wipe out those organizations which are the enemy of humanity and Islam.'

Rotarians and Masons had better watch out..."

UPDATE: Radio Triple-M does its part:

"We're on a mission to clean up the pools and beaches this summer with The Cage's Budgie Smuggler Amnesty. We want you to mail in a photo of your Dad or partner in a pair of Budgie Smugglers as well as the actual Budgie Smugglers themselves..."

Update 2:

"No 'budgie smugglers' for APEC photo: PM", Melbourne Age (3 September 2007)

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